Thursday, May 28, 2009

To live in a small town or anywhere in Europe...

I would definitely order this: one of the newest, coolest bikes on the market, a Madsen Cycle with a bucket! A bucket that has seats and holds 600 lbs. Kids, beach stuff, dog, school stuff, scooters--just think of what you can fit in.

Of course, I'm not sure about actually having the biking legs to pull 600 lbs around...

Madsen Cycles Cargo Bikes


~A. said...

Time to move to Amsterdam!

CK said...

While in Amsterdam, I went to pick a friends childred from school and I think half the parents had some rendition of that bike. Pretty cool.

Dr. Rick said...

We saw a cool bike at the Scottish Games in Frendale. It was a recumbent with a great wind screen, but not as cool as this one. I need one for running errands around Burton.