Yesterday I had an on-site customer visit--the first in maybe a year or more. It started out well and then the system refused to restart. From there, I went into five hours of controlled breathing exercises while trying one, two, forty solutions with a customer over my shoulder, the clock ticking and the internal buzzing of re-scheduling a horse riding lesson for one daughter and needing to call two other parents who were graciously carrying for the kids.
In the end, the system came back up and I got to fight 5:30 traffic to get back to my children and the dry cleaners before it closed at 7 pm so that Mike would have blues to take on his trip today. I made it. The kids survived fine, a bit overtired, but happy to have played with friends and watched movies. The two wonderful moms who watched my kids for much longer than any of us anticipated survived -- perhaps barely, I don't know as they are both gracious.
My life is no longer setup for full-time work. I don't have the childcare structures in place nor the co-ordination of schedules. I can't really imagine making the sacrifices to go back to that schedule. Yet, soon we'll have to do so at least for awhile as we go to school next January. Yesterday was a dry run, a rather limp-along bumpy dry run.
1 comment:
Is MeiLin trying to cool you off after that hectic day? My, my you young people just wear yourselves out -- to get where?
End-of-life? I am slowly coming to the realization that I have acted for so many years like I was in a race that I thought I could win; alas, there is no winning in this life. Only wore out bodies waiting for the newness of death.
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