We just finished 2 days at Disney Land, our first visit (except for Mike when he was a child and "It's a Small World" was new). My cell phone pedometer says we did 20.8 miles ... almost a marathon. I will admit I was going for the girls. I have never been a theme park person, but Disney Land suprised me. It is clean, overly cheerful, amazingly busy and fun. The crowds were not packed; it is October.
We did the Ariel's Grotto Princess Luncheon and scored the sigantures and photo opps of six princesses. We rode rides and more rides. We found out that none of us liked the "storybook" inside rides--scary, dark and noisy. We all like roller coasters. Maiya is just over 40" with shoes so she squeaked into the Splash Mountain and other rides, but still can't go on the really big ones. The girls made it to fireworks one night and woke up in the middle of fireworks the second night. The pyrotechnics are impressive and whoever plays Tink is brave indeed.
We are off to somewhere in the desert of Arizona today.